Online Access

Choosing YellowFolder for your district’s records provides your school system with online access to the YellowFolder digital file cabinet. You can maintain a folder for every aspect of your department of the school, (board records, cumulative files, financials, etc.) and store, retrieve and manage all of the documents in one place, safely in the cloud.

Storing Records:

You can easily store all your Districts records on the YellowFolder system.

  • You can transfer native digital records using the convenient "Print to YellowFolder" function built directly into your computer.

  • You can transfer native hard copy records by direct scan or using YellowFolder's uploading "droplet" (a simple app downloaded to your device)

    • YellowFolder quickly files documents in the correct folder based on your prompts.

    • YellowFolder includes unlimited storage in its base price. Store as much as you like, for as long as you like, at no additional cost.


Retrieving Records:

Your staff can access and share administrative records from any device, anytime, anywhere. 

  • Search for records by name, campus, meta-data, or a “google search” of the content of the document.

  • Share documents with other school personnel or with third parties (state officials, vendors, etc.) via secured links you control

  • YellowFolder offers a user name account for all school personnel, allowing every user (limited and customized at your discretion) to have access to the school’s YellowFolder system.

  • YellowFolder’s system is cloud-based, meaning your staff can access the system from any Internet-enabled device.


Managing Records:

YellowFolder automatically manages a record from the day you create it until the day you destroy it pursuant to state retention regulations. 


YellowFolder charges one low price for unlimited use of the YellowFolder system, determined by the number of active students in the school system. YellowFolder includes all inactive employees for free.

Learn more


No Hardware - Free Updates:

YellowFolder is a web-based application (known as a software as a service).

This means the school system does not need to invest in any hardware to host YellowFolder, the school system does not need to invest in IT resources to manage YellowFolder, and the school always receives software updates (for free) as soon as YellowFolder releases them.